Shipping Your Inclusions
Please read BEFORE shipping any inclusions to Emmagination Creations.
Leftover inclusions will NOT be returned. Please do not send the last/all of your inclusion items. Most inclusions require fairly small amounts on most keepsake pieces. If you aren't sure how much to send, contact us.
If sending multiple inclusions, please follow the guidelines for each inclusion. Each inclusion should be bagged separately and labeled, but can be shipped together.
Shipping Breastmilk:
Please ship milk at room temperature. Breastmilk does not have to be "good" to be used in your keepsake piece; it can be "expired", left over milk, etc. Most pieces require only about 1oz of milk to create. If you don't have a whole ounce, message me, some pieces require significantly less and we can still make a keepsake piece for you!
Milk should be bagged in a breastmilk storage bag and labeled with your name. Please place the storage bag into two additional bags and label the outside bag with your name. This helps prevent leaking during shipping.
Shipping Cremation Ashes:
Cremation Ashes should be shipped in an airtight container or bag and labeled with your name. Only about 1tsp of cremation ashes are required for most keepsake pieces. Please place the primary container into two additional bags and label the outside bag with your name. This helps prevent any spills in the case that the container/bag are damaged during shipping.
Shipping Hair:
Hair should be tied together with a thread and shipped in an airtight bag labeled with your name. Please double bag and label the outside bag with your name as well. If multiple hair inclusions are being sent, each needs to be bagged individually.
Shipping Dried Flowers:
Dried Flowers should be shipped in a small crush-proof container, so they are not damaged during shipping. Cleaned prescription bottles or small tupperware containers are great options, but anything can be used that will keep your inclusions safe. Please label the container with your name.
Shipping Sand/Soil:
Sand/Soil should be bagged in an airtight container or bag and labeled with your name. Please place the primary container into two additional bags and label the outside bag with your name. This helps prevent any spills in the case that the container/bag are damaged during shipping.
Shipping Other Items:
Please follow the guidelines most similar to your inclusion for shipping. If you are not sure, please contact us BEFORE shipping. We want to be sure your inclusions arrive at the studio safely.
All inclusions should be shipped to:
99 W Main St
Poseyville, IN 47633
Bubble mailers are recommended for shipping, as they tend to keep items the safest.
Turnaround time is currently approximately 4-6 weeks* from the time we RECEIVE your inclusions.
(*Turnaround time subject to change.)